What to Expect

Biblical Teaching

We affirm the Bible as the inspired, infallible, authoritative Word of God.

We affirm the Apostle’s, Athanasian, and Nicene Creeds as faithful expressions of Biblical teaching.

Because their doctrines align with our understanding of God’s Word, we affirm the Heidelberg Catechism, Belgic Confession, and the Canons of Dort as historic Reformed expressions of the Christian faith.

Authentic Worship

Praising God is the focus of our worship service. We recognize that people worship in different ways, and we embrace this. We sing both contemporary and traditional songs as both can be honoring to God. While we come from different walks of life and have various worship preferences, the thing that unites us is our love of Jesus and strong belief in the authority of the Word of God.

Friendly People

We are glad for the opportunity to worship together. If you have any questions there are smiling faces at the Welcome Center who are happy to help. Stick around after the service for fellowship time with snacks and refreshments.

Come As You Are

If you are unsure about what to wear to service, just come as you are. Some choose to dress up a little, others are dressed casually; we care more about worshiping Jesus together than what anyone is wearing.


Sundays 9:30 am

1720 N. Burlington Ave
Worthington, MN 56187

If you are unable to make it in person the service is streamed online via Facebook and Youtube.