Find A Group

Life Groups

Life groups meet in homes within the Worthington area and are a means of building relationships, mutual encouragement, and spiritual growth. While every group is different, each group is centered around the principles of loving, growing, and serving. If you are interested in joining a Life Group, click here.

Bible Studies

There are several Bible Study groups who meet regularly. If you are interested in joining a Bible Study, click here.

Adult Bible Study
Meets in the church library at 1 pm on Wednesdays, except the first Wednesday of the month.

Current Study: 1 & 2 Peter

Deeper Roots
Meets after Sunday Morning Worship in the adult choir room.

Current Study: The Minor Prophets

Hope Circle Women’s Bible Study
Meets in the church library at 2 pm on the first Wednesday of the month.

Current Study: Ephesians

Partners in Prayer

This group of men and women gather on Tuesday mornings at 9 am in the church library to pray over the needs of the congregation and surrounding community. If you are interested in Partners in Prayer, click here.

Ministry Teams

Ministry teams help to plan and coordinate the ministry of American Reformed Church. Meeting schedules will vary by team, ranging from once a month to several times a year. Current ministry teams include: Worship, Education, Connections, Congregational Care, and Media Team. If you are interested in serving on a team, click here.