Meals 4 You
Life is busy and it can be hard to find time to plan meals for your family. Meals 4 You seeks to ease the meal prep process. Recipes have been selected ahead of time and ingredients prepped. Simply follow the instructions for each recipe station to prepare easy to make meals.
What is Meals 4 You?
Meals 4 You was created to make meal planning easier, whether you have a family to feed or just yourself. Once a month, between October and April, our team at American Reformed Church will prepare the ingredients for various meal options that can be assembled into large (4-6 servings - 5 adults) or small (1-2 servings, 2 adults)
How do I get my meals?
On the date(s) you register for you will come to American Reformed Church at 1720 N. Burlington, Ave in Worthington between 4:00 to 6:00pm. Enter through the south doors of the ARC Center.
Fully cooked meal ingredients will be set out in the gym with assembly instructions and take-home containers. Put together the meals you ordered and just heat it up when you are ready to eat it.
Do I have to sign up ahead of time?
We won’t turn anyone away for not signing up ahead of time, however, signing up in advance will help our team prepare the right amount food and meals being requested. Click here to sign-up for the upcoming month.
How far in advance can I sign-up?
We will have a few months of meal sign-ups available for pre-registration. The sign-up form will close 4-5 days prior to the meal assembly date.
What meals are offered?
We will offer a rotation of meal options. You can view the list of available meal sign-ups here.
What does it cost?
We hope to cover our costs to keep this program going each month. The suggested donation for the meals is $5 for a small (2 servings) and $15 for a large (6 servings)
You can conveniently and securely donate online at our online giving platform. Choose Meals 4 You in the drop-down menu.
Donation boxes will also be available at the entrance tables during meal assembly.
What if I have dietary restrictions?
We will do our best to accommodate any dietary restrictions. When you sign-up for your meals for the month, you can check the box next to your restriction(s).