ARC Kids

  • Nursery

    6 months - 3 years old. Your little ones will enjoy hanging out in our supervised play room while you are attending the Worship Service.

  • KFC (Kids For Christ)

    Kids for Christ

    Children 3 years old through 5th grade join together for open gym, Bible lessons, music, and more from 3:30 - 5:30 pm on Wednesday nights each fall through spring. Worthington students can sign up to ride the bus directly to church after school. Parents and other family members are also invited to join in a free meal served each Wednesday night for Kids for Christ families.

  • Sunday School

    Sunday School

    Sunday School is available for children 3 years old - 5th grade from 10:50 AM - 11:40 AM following the morning worship service.

    Children ages 3 years old - 2nd grade explore Bible stories together through interactive Bible lessons, memorizing scripture, music time, and a special craft or activity.

    Children in 3rd-5th grade meet in a separate class and dive deeper into God's Word together and enjoy discussing how to live out their Christian faith in their daily life. They also work on scripture memory and singing songs of praise.